Mutual benefit health insurance in Portugal

Mutual benefit health

Mutual benefit health insurance in Portugal

Mutual benefit health insurance in Portugal


You’ve arrived in Portugal: a new life, new plans… but an allergy or a bad sunburn can easily remind you that you’re not safe from a little weakness health-wise. To get the most out of your new expatriate life, it’s better to understand the Portuguese healthcare system which is quite different from the English one and, above all, decide whether a mutual benefit insurance plan or private health insurance in Portugal could offer you and your family a little peace of mind! INOV Expat offers this advice…


Why choose mutual benefit health insurance in Portugal?

The Portuguese public healthcare system is ranked 12th on a list of the best healthcare systems in the world, according to the most recent WHO survey. Based on the principle of universal and nearly-free access to healthcare, it offers good quality care and cover, but the waiting times can be quite long! The economic crisis hit public healthcare policies in Portugal hard: public hospitals are short of personnel and overburdened, basic care is not always available outside large urban areas and consultations with specialists almost always take place in large cities, sometimes forcing people to travel many kilometres to see one. So, for an English expatriate who is accustomed to freely choosing their primary care physician and rather quick access to treatment, it is sometimes disconcerting to have a referring doctor imposed on you and particularly to have to wait for care: it’s not very easy to be calm and patient when you have a feverish, crying child with you in a crowded waiting room!

Choosing a mutual benefit health insurance policy in Portugal means freeing yourself of the constraints imposed by the public healthcare sector; namely, the lack of choice in family doctors, waiting lines…etc. In fact, with your mutual benefit private healthcare, you will be able to freely access networks of doctors approved by your insurance company who can be consulted without paying any advance fees in addition to convenience consultations like prevention check-ups, alternative medicine (acupuncture…) and even dental services.


Who is actually behind your mutual benefit health insurance?

These private healthcare insurance products are provided by the largest insurance companies and you can contact these companies directly to get an idea for what they offer; however, a broker like INOV Expat will be able to advise you for free (in English!) and, above all, give you a real comparison of the best products on the market. Brokers process so many contracts that they can secure competitive sales offers in terms of price in comparison to the very same insurance product purchased directly.

Who are mutual health insurance policies for?

Anyone who lives in Portugal looking for certain peace of mind when it comes to their health as well as excellent cover! A policy may be signed by a company (group contract) or an individual who would like to be insured along with his/her family. In any case, beneficiaries must all be individually named in the contract.

How do you know which to choose when there are so many mutual insurance offers available?

Mostly by asking good questions…

What they of healthcare cover do you need besides the traditional guarantees (hospitalisation, treatment for illnesses and accidents)? Do you plan on frequently traveling abroad… Are you covered… Do you have valid travel assistance?

To help you answer all these questions, INOV Expat, your broker in Portugal and health insurance market specialist, is in the best position to advise you for free based on the specific needs of your family and the monthly amount you’re able to pay for your healthcare…

Ask for your free mutual health insurance quote!

Read our guide to healthcare for more details: Guide to Health Insurance in Portugal


Why can INOV Expat offer you good health insurance solutions?

INOV Expat is an insurance brokerage firm aimed at French and English-speaking expatriates in Spain, and now in Portugal, which has signed partnership agreements with the leading insurance companies on the market. We know just how much moving to another country can bring about a lot of surprises and procedures which are sometimes quite complex. So, ever since its foundation in 2004, INOV Expat has not only aimed to assist its expatriate clients search for “custom insurance” but also defend their rights in the event of a claim.

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